MRSS-MDDI Accreditation Framework


1. How will this new accreditation framework benefit Market Research (MR) firms and the industry?

Firms that pass the audit and are accredited will be accorded a higher level of recognition in their tender proposals for MDDl's Research Period Contract cum Framework Agreement (henceforth known as "Research PCFA"). Firms can publicise their new accreditation status once they receive it.

2. Who is eligible to apply for the audit for the new accreditation? Will my firm be eligible to apply for the audit if I engage a third-party vendor for data collection?

The accreditation framework is applicable to firms that directly conduct door-to-door, face-to-face fieldwork with interview capabilities.

3. Why is the accreditation starting only with firms offering door-to-door face-to-face interviews? What about MR firms that do not offer any research work using door-to-door interviews?

The accreditation framework is applicable to firms that directly conduct door-to-door, face-to-face fieldwork with interview capabilities. MRSS is kickstarting it with door-to-door, face-to-face interviews as this methodology often has more variance in quality. Other research methodologies may be incorporated at a later date.

4. What is the Research PCFA?

The Research PCFA is a demand aggregation framework. MDDI manages the Research PCFA on behalf of government agencies, to appoint a pool of MR firms to carry out research projects for public sector agencies.

5. Can firms still tender for the Research PCFA or other Government projects even without being accredited?

Yes, firms can continue to tender for government research projects, including the Research PCFA, without being accredited. However, tender proposals from firms which are not accredited will not qualify for higher level recognition.

6. When will the new MRSS-MDDI accreditation framework be recognised in the Research PCFA?

The process audits under the MRSS-MDDI accreditation framework will be conducted between September 2023 and 2025, and will be valid for the next Research PCFA cycle, estimated to open in mid-2025.

7. How long will the accreditation be valid for?

The accreditation will be valid for one entire Research PCFA cycle. Firms will only need to be accredited once to qualify for higher recognition in the particular Research PCFA cycle that they are tendering for. For subsequent Research PCFA cycles, MR firms will have to be accredited again.

8. Who is RS Audit (RSA)?

The auditor appointed for the new accreditation framework is RS Audit (RSA). Since 2015, RSA has been supporting government agencies in auditing their large-scale door-to-door, face-to-face surveys to ensure robustness in the process, and in the quality of the data collected. RSA's auditors have collectively audited more than 70 projects, including shadowing over 2,500 hours of interviews on the ground. In this appointment, RSA will be carrying out the audit based on the plan endorsed by both MRSS and MDDI, and mainly serves as the audit partner for MRSS to validate the accreditation.

9. What is covered in the audit process?

RSA will carry out a standard audit for door-to-door, face-to-face fieldwork which will include a review of a past research project and an ongoing one. For more details on specific aspects that the audit will cover, firms may approach RSA to obtain a detailed audit checklist. MR firms are not obliged to engage RSA for the audit after receiving the detailed checklist.

10. What if I do not have an ongoing project at the time of audit?

MR firms which do not have ongoing projects but are keen to participate in the audit should approach RSA early in the audit cycle to discuss how audit schedules can be managed.

11. Can MR firms use another auditor? Can firms dispute the audit findings?

The use of a common auditor - RSA - assures parity in assessment as well as a common set of audit process and assessment criteria endorsed by both MRSS and MDDI. Other auditors may be appointed if there is significant demand from the industry.

As with all audits, the auditor's decision is final. However, before finalizing the audit report, RSA will engage the MR firm being audited, to provide them an opportunity to clarify and respond to the audit observations.

12. Can MR firms apply again if they do not pass the first audit?

MR firms that do not pass the audit may reapply in the next audit cycle. This will be subject to a reapplication fee charged by RSA.